Ultima VI - Day 3

Well this is certainly getting interesting. I decided to steal a skiff which I guess removed some karma points. Then when I tried to use the skiff it said I needed a deed to use it. LOL. That’s when I decided to buy one. They really come in handy when you find water in a dungeon.

I took the Gargoyles book as instructed to the Lycaeum and Mariah told me she needed another part of a table to finish the translation of the text. She said she got the first part of the tablet from some group of gypsies in a bar. I then needed to hunt down the smelly gypsy scum. I managed to find them outside of Trinsic. I questioned them and found out that the pirates in Buccaneer’s Den hold the other half.


Ultima VI - Day 1 & 2

Ultima VI. I could not hold out to play this. It was always a game that I booted up but never really played. Guess I liked the intro and music more than dedicate the time to really play it.

Ultima VI Intro

Ultima VI intro

Ultima VI intro

I’m quiet surprised with the similarities to Ultima VII. It’s similar in many ways. My Roland Sound Canvas is not supported so I’m using my Roland CM-64. Does seem very Adliby though. Old Miles Sounds System. Music does get quiet annoying as its repeats the songs over and over again. Read More...

Ultima IX - Day 8

Coventous was a nice change but the darn skeletal warriors really did me in. I hate the fact that they re-spawn so fast.

I pretty much cleared level one quiet quickly. I found the gear and fixed the broken cog for the lift.


Ultima III - Day 4

After many trips to Ambrosia I build my stats up to a decent level. Now I don’t die as often as before. I’ve been challenging the dungeons to get my marks. Its been a long hard fight. I can’t say the fighting tactics are for my liking. Makes the game run very very slow.

I now have to brave Castle Exodus. This looks hard. I have the codeword given to me by the mages “EVOCARE”

Castle Exodus

Ultima III - Day 3

I’ve been waiting for a pirate ship to return and it seems like it's taking for ever. Finally after a long wait and many battles I’ve captured a pirate ship and I navigate my way around Sosaria then suddenly my ship is sucked into a whirlpool.


Ultima III - Day 2

Today I had to create a new party. I kept dying. I decided to try and change my tactics. This time I’ve thrown out the thief and chosen a ranger. This seems to be working a lot better. I find Ultima III very hard, a lot harder than the previous Ultimas.

The messages from the conversations are pretty cryptic and even with the hint guide its tough. I’ve basically been staying close to Britannia, killing monsters then running back to town to heal. I braved a dungeon and found the mark of kings.

Mark of the Kings

I can now level up my hit points by speaking with Lord British. I make my way down to level 2 of Perinian Depths and found a found that healed all my hit points. Very nice.

Ultima III Day 1

I know this is completely out of order but I could not resist playing Ultima III. I located a great new remake which respects Origin’s 1983 version to the full. It gives everything the 1983 version gave but more.

Ultima III

Ultima I - Day 2

I’m now ready to explore the deeper levels of the dungeons and try to kill the monsters as requested by the kings. In return the will give me the gems needed to use the time machine to travel back in time.

I just want to show the superior difference in graphics on the Apple IIgs. Not sure why the dungeon walls were not updated?

Ranger IBM 1986 remake:


Ultima I - Day 1

Here it is in all its glory. Ultima I. Richard Garriot’s first real adventure.

I was really expecting this game to be pretty crap. Reason being its now more than 25 years old. I do admit it took me a while to work out how to stop dying all the time. Once you get the hang of things it is quiet addictive.

I entered into the world of Ultima at Ultima VI. I can’t remember why I never did play this? I remember my brother playing the Wizardry series and I tackled those but never the earlier Ultimas.

I’ve included the Apple IIgs title screen. I stumbled upon this after finishing Ulima I. The graphics are much better and it has midi sound.

IBM remake EGA version:

Ultima I Title

Ultima IX - Day 7

A band of gypsies and shit everywhere. I’m in Minoc now after getting passage with Raven. Minoc is a horrible town full of gypsy scum. I approach the campfire to find Blackthorn and the gyspsy leader conversing. Blackthorn curses the gypsies and if they try and help me there will be problems.

Gypsies in Minoc

Ultima IX - Day 6

After exiting Hythloth I’m presented with Duncan. He was sent by Tydus to kill me. Supposedly I have his families dagger. I convince him that I don’t have it and offer to find it.

I make my way to Moonglow where I meet an angered man called Tydus. He wants me to retrieve a staff from a nearby cave.


Ultima IX - Day 5

Hythloth, a horrible dungeon full of spiders and other nasties. This was actually quiet challenging.


The trick here is to gather the coloured statues and then place them on the matching pedestals. Seems easy enough but it does get kind of tricky.

Ultima IX - Day 4

After the massive plot-stopper yesterday no major crashes or bugs today. Things seem to go along nicely, though it's a shame the history of previous Ultima games is not really reflected in Ultima IX. I’m not sure why Richard Garriot let it pass? I hear there is a fan patch which completely changes the in-game text to make it more “Ultima like” but I have not tried it. Obviously you loose the in game speech as they only patched the text.

Back to the game... Just before I leave for New Magincia I find the Silver Serpent that was captured by the pirates. I release it and its teleported back to Britain. I must remember to go back to see if there is a reward.

Silver Serpent

Ultima IX - Day 3

Day 3 and I’m stopped by a massive plot-stopper bug. I have the darn 1.19f patch too. arrrggh. I can see how the fans must have been furious when this first came out.

Here’s the bug. After cleansing the Shrine of Compassion the rune and sigil are no where to be found. After browsing the net a little I found a site that mentioned that sometimes they are floating high in the air above the shrine. Sure enough that’s where they were. I had to use the cheats to fly up and grab them.

With the rune I could then go and speak to Raven to get passage to Buccaneer’s Den.

Buccaneers Den

Ultima IX - Day 2

Day 2 on Ultima IX. New graphics. New sound and no more Roland MT32 or SC55. I concentrated my efforts in Britain and the surrounding areas. In the castle grounds I discovered a maze and after getting lost I stumbled upon a nice fire sword before finding the exit.

As I was heading west to Paws I came across a house that was on fire. The little boy told me his mother had been kidnapped. I find the pirates that kidnapped her and put my fire sword through them. One dropped a journal which spoke of a hidden cave with held great treasure.


Ultima IX - Day 1

Well this is a first. I remember seeing this game on a mates computer. I never brought it, not sure why? I was not one for the new 3D graphics that seemed to be entering into the market. Maybe or perhaps because my PC at the time did not have a good 3D graphics card. I do remember people complaining about the bugs in this game. I’ve only been playing it for a short time and I’ve had many crashes. I’ve even installed the 1.19f patch.

Ultima IX

Ultima VIII - Day 13

This has certainly been a long journey. Confined to Pagan the Avatar does now seek all the elements so he can defeat the Guardian and try to return to his home world.

Lithos's Grave

Deep inside the Pit of Death I find the heart of Lithos which is used as the earth element. Returning to Argent Rock Isle I retrieve the Breath of Wind which is the air element. The last element is hidden in the castle in Tenebrae. Devon found it in his fishing net when fishing one day. The Tear of Seas.

Now with all the elements I head back to speak to Mythran. He teaches me Ethereal Travel which enables me to travel to the Ethereal Void. Read More...

Ultima VIII - Day 12

Things starting to warm up here. I can feel Pyros is close. I have now ventured deep into the Obsidian fortress where I’m presented with 4 trials where I need to recover a symbol from each.

I’m warmly welcomed by a mage who is worried I will steal his secrets. He’s right :)

Dead Mage

There certainly are some strange things inside here. I’m attacked by children. They look possessed. Nothing the my magic sword can’t handle.

Ultima VIII - Day 11

This seems to be plodding along very slowly. It's a really hassle each time to create a spell. I’ve managed to become a candidate by helping Bane destroy Vardion. Malchir was not too pleased.

